HD Technical Bulletins

Insight from the Answerman.

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DateBulletin #Title & Description

Gabriel HD: Safe Disposal of HD Shocks

Appropriate protective measures, such as wearing safety glasses and protective gloves, should be taken when removing oil and gas from discarded and defective shock absorbers. Read More ».

Gabriel HD: When to Replace HD Shocks

Today's low friction class 3 - 8 suspensions and tires require high functioning shocks to minimize wear and protect from vibration damage. Read More ».

Gabriel HD: Tire Wear and Shock Absorbers

Tires and shock absorbers work together to absorb and minimize the detrimental effects to vehicle stability and braking caused by harsh road conditions. Read More ».

Gabriel HD: Shock Absorber Inspection: Misting vs. Leaking

Many technicians find it difficult to differentiate between a normal operating "misting" shock and a leaking shock that needs replacement. ENGLISH SPANISH

Gabriel HD: Shock Absorber Installation Guide

Comprehensive instructions on installing the Common EB Type Mounts as well as Common Stud Type Mounts. Read More ».

Gabriel HD: Gas-Charged vs. Non-Gas Shocks

Hydraulic fluid aeration is a normal occurrence in shock absorbers. Aeration causes performance fade, which negatively affects tire-to-road contact. Read More ».
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