Frequently asked questions about
shocks and struts.
They say there’s more than one answer for any given question. Rest assured, we’ve got all of them. The Gabriel® Answerman is your go-to technical resource center for general questions about shocks and struts, as well as specific technical and installation questions about any of our Gabriel products.
Below is a collection of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) we receive. If you can’t find the questions here, just make a call to the Answerman Tech Line.
Common FAQs about shocks and struts:
Please click on a FAQ below to view the answer.
What’s the difference between a shock and strut?
What do shocks and struts do?
Do gas charged shocks or struts contain oil?
I have a light film of oil on my shock or strut, does it need to be replaced?
My tires are unevenly worn. Do I need to replace my ride control components?
Why is it important to replace worn shocks or struts?
Do shocks and struts wear out?
How can I check my shocks?
When should I replace my shocks?
When I drive on rough roads or go over speed bumps, I hear a banging noise coming from my suspension. What’s the cause of this?
What other components should I ask the technician to look at when I have my shocks or struts serviced?
Should I have my vehicle aligned after replacing my struts?
Can I mount my shock absorber upside down?
I’m trying to replace my shocks but they don’t seem long enough. Do I need longer shocks?
Can I adjust the torsion bars on my truck to compensate for a snow plow?
What can I expect from my new shocks and/or struts?
I have just replaced and fitted new shocks, so why does my car feel very stiff on the road?
What is an Ultra™ Cartridge?
What is an Ultra™ Spring Seat Shock?
Questions on more specific topics we frequently receive:
Please click on a FAQ Topic below to view the questions.